Quoted By:
>White 1
>roll oshawott
>decide on Galar naming theme
>name oshawott grookey
>striaton city, no deaths
>go to dreamyard, get pansear
>name most popular mon after most popular rival: Hop
>push through first gym, no deaths
>notice patrats using bide, no deaths
>get to plasma grunts in wellspring cave
>foe patrat uses bide
>see it coming, spam leer
>bide has no effect
>switch to hop, use cut
>99% damage, foe uses bide
>Hop uses cut again, misses
>me: "Clearly this is what he wanted, and I will respect his decision"
>Hop dies
>switch out, easy kill
>nothing of value was lost
>press 'S' to spit on grave