We still don't know why Team Meteor wants little girl jewelry so much, or why Dr Electrorape is so obsessed with electroshocking kids. We save them, and Salamence brat flies off without a word, really showing her gratitude for us risking life and limb for her.
We find the Belrose Manse outside the city, which belongs to some of the orphans. We meet Laura, one of their sisters and an Elite 4 member. Spirit vison girl became sick when her jewelry was taken, so we head over to the next town to find medicine. Entire buildings have been teleporting around for some reason.
We meet the ice gym leader and her son Bennett. An Arceus cultist called El comes in asking about his daughter, a girl called Luna. Luna is some crazy girl adopted by the ice gym leader some time ago, and now she's gone again. Arceus cultist somehow has the pwoer to bribe Bennett with Elite 4 membership in exchange for information.
>>30793471>being beaten by a level 1 sturdy Magnemite>not humiliatingHad a prior pokemon leech seed, then had Magnemite stall forever by using the leech seed recovery to restore to full until the Garchomp died.