>>55498661Only a few more powerful gulps were required to finish the final of the three off, and the
white swimsuit-clad woman was finally trapped in Flygon’s tummy. With three
occupants inside, it was bloated beyond any previous comparison, usually only needing
to contain one or two smaller pokemon for most meals. This time around it writhed with
the largest single meal it had ever eaten, rivaling the size of standard meals of
giant-sized pokemon. The Flygon rested its neck on its engorged stomach. The trio was
hardly strong enough to give it more than a few seconds of gentle indigestion, but that
would fade as their fighting slowed. A sizable bubble of air crept toward the top of the
glutted gut through the struggling, and swiftly found its way up the pokemon’s throat.
An intense belch burst from Flygon’s maw along with several stringent, heavy droplets
of saliva. Its stomach tightened over the three inside, further accentuating their
contorted bodies around one another. Just as the current stomach residents stopped the
rampant struggling, the pokemon heard something from nearby. A secondary group of
two women had just come back to shore, both dripping wet and treading through the
sand a decent distance away.
Sonia and Nessa laughed to each other as they talked about plans after they headed
home, blissfully unaware of the scene that had happened just minutes before.