Reposting mine from last thread. Wasted too much time on this not to share it.
And yes I know, my fav is a legen, can't change my taste and past.
>>353718897/10 Nice mons ! Points for the Escaflowne OST
>>353724306/10 Nice mons name ! Points for Ecruteak
>>353752927/10 Points for Dendemille, songs and mons artworks.
>>353793527/10 Nice style overall, like the mons
>>353796647/10 Love the battle phrase, style overall and the drawings. Losing points from the bear though ;)
>>353799759/10 Very nice theme, usually not a big fan of rangers but you made it very cool. I should also make my own character sprite
>>353801276/10 Nice theme music. Points for Sootopolis.
>>353866078/10 already rated you last thread, but I would really like to drink whisky with you
>>353880538/10 Nice mons artworks and style overall. Would enjoy welcoming a bit more cynicism in my life.