since my taste has been shit so hard imma just post my favs to see the reaction. I wish i could fit Ditto, Pyukumuku, and Hydreigon.
>>37650594Notice how i said platinum specifically? that isnt an issue there. The music is fucking excellent. the Lake theme, eterna forest, The team galactic battle theme, Jubilife city, so many good tracks. Im more of a gen 5 elitist than gen 4 anon.
>>37650601big fucking ups to this guy. people forget how bad most gen 3 pokemon are.
>>37650616the starters are meh, its the only game with a decent fire starter as generic as he is. The reigonal rodents/birds are far worse in gen 3. Furret is great. most of the pokemon are pretty solid although i wish a few more beta mons made the cut like lion porygon2.
>>37650630>best pokemonflat out wrong in my eyes. Designs are subjective but i think its surprising how awful alot of the dex is. the game plays good, but the reigon is so forgettable, the characters so boring, the evil team is so bad, the music is all i really like going back to.