>>24844064Got it.
We head back to our sister's house, and meet another Skyline rival, Joseph, who gives us our Pokédex that he got from Gento (if you start in Gento you see him grabbing the Pokédex, by the way, so I guess all these regions are happening concurrently). We talk to our sister, and she gives us our running shoes, and $3,000, and 5 Potions, and 5 Pokéballs. We have to sit through a ton of dialogue that I think is meant to be casual but it's all just a ton of teasing followed by "oh you silly guy you." I think Jagold is actually trying too hard with the dialogue, which is a rarity.
This beta seems to have the same script as Skyline, where every non-boss trainer is optional and you have to go out of your way to talk to them to battle, and they refresh with stronger teams every time you get a badge. If it's like Skyline, it'll be mandatory to fight them every single time if you want to keep up with the level curve.
Also literally every wild Pokémon I've come across has an Oran Berry, what the fuck.