>>54521082Ah yes. I see your mindset with that.
No no, the guy calling for raids is the user I brought up. The guys who show up spamming Gore/Vore/Dead Babies/and other stuff? Those are his buddies/crowd of individuals he brings in.
You see, no one, (Not even Big Chungus) actually cares about /vp/ on the sharty, other than one poster who is always calling for raids. The inferrence that can be made is that the guy on the wiki who worth a living Bible focused on /vp/ trolling techniques is most likely the same fellow (most likely the only fella) calling for constant assault on /vp/ I mean, other than MarioIpod, and his orbiters.
That's not what PeekYou says, if we are looking at the same individual, since Facebook due to bad privacy practices, shows these public repositories as they were...from old data before people really think about OPsec. You can do likewise for the same conclusion. Type in the second name on the thing, scroll down to Facebook, and see the connection.