>DragonPre-Fairy, it was a nightmare dealing with them. I hated the click Outrage to win strat and I didn't want to have to run a Ferrothorn because GF didn't know what balance was. Fairy nerfing Dragon into the ground made it rocket into being my 2nd favorite type.
>FireAttracts the worst Pokemon fans, or at least has the highest amount of children. It's an absurdly good defensive type for no good reason. I'm pretty sure the only reason it resists Fairy is so MegaZard doesn't get fucked by the new type.
>WaterI don't actually dislike Water but as
>>31906722 put it, it's about as OP as a type can get. Worst of all, you can't change it's type matchups without flipping the meta on it's side because there are so many Water Pokemon ingrained in the metagame.
my favorite type but it's so fucking bad. It's terrible offensively and defensively and Grass Pokemon as a group get fuck all for movesets. Most grass level up lists include Grass, Normal and maybe a Dark type move and that's it. There are so many Grass Pokemon I want to run and all of them get hampered by the same thing over and over again. Why can't GF make Grass types usable outside of Leech Seeders/Spore users? Why did Grass have to be my favorite type? Why couldn't I like a normie type like Bug or Ghost?