>>47600761Since you fuckers keep bumping and i dont want your effort go to waist here is a greentext for you
> be me> roughly 3 years ago > on my way back home from work > find real life version of pic related> a young crow just sitting in the middle of an empty parking lot near the brige where tryed to commite soduko from> poor thing couldnt even fly right, it was that young> i take it back home not thinking if it was a good or bad idea > feed it groom it and kinda trying to build up trust> later chill outside with the little bird> turns out he could fly but only like 10 meters far> he flys on a roof and i cant see him anymore> guessthatsit.jpg> next day i find this fucker stuck on a roof> owner of the house lends me a lader thinking i lost a ball or something> he was surprised it was a bird> 2 days go by and i decide its time that we should part ways > decide to spent our last few hours under the bridge > he fell asleep on my hand, litterly the cutest thing i have ever seen> brought him later that day to vet > i never named him :(> i still miss him> secretly hope he remembers me