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Like most of Gen 6, the rivals suffered from good concept/terrible execution.
I found it cool seeing them doing their own thing in the field, and having them follow me in certain routes. Made me feel like I was actually traveling with a group of friends, which was refreshing for this series.
That said, they're still just...there.
Tierno admits he's a shit trainer, but does nothing about it. I would've liked to see him be motivated to do more.
Trevor comparing Pokedex's with me, but actually be able to lose to him. If you won, you'd win some random item, like a great ball or nugget.
Shauna was slightly more interesting, but like Teirno, she knew she was shit but did nothing about it.
Serena/Calem was boring, personality-wise. I found it funny how they claimed they'd battle the gym leaders, but didn't even bother to finish with that (or so I interpreted).
I'd like to see X2/Y2/Z improve their personalities and significance to the plot. But I wasn't against them in concept. Hell, I'd like to see Gen 7 improve on the "friendly rivals joining you on your journey".