>>13210617I agree. Honestly, this dude is probably like 15 years old whoring for attention and pity. I know people like this. I give them the best advice I can having gone through the same things and they just reject all my ideas. Everything is too hard, too worthless. Everything will be bad forever, especially since I'm doing nothing to change my life because I'm a lazy asshole who demands instant gratification. Disgusting. I grew up in Sarajevo. I have seen some fucking shit. Sure, I feel crappy sometimes. I don't let those events control my whole life, they've taken my childhood and innocence already over things I was too young to understand. This is my only life and I don't want to spend it wallowing in regrets and feeling that everything is so unfair.
Half the problem of people like this is that they're lazy and determined to be miserable. Honestly, is this guy uses the internet excessively that's probably also part of what is wrong. He goes into his little hugbox and he and others circlejerk about how their lives are bad and how everything is terrible and this only reinforces his negative opinions. Fucking moronic and sickening to be so sheltered and hung up on petty things like >tfw no gf