>>54956769Bait but I'll bite.
>Good graphicsBotW looked better two years prior and has better textures and lighting.
>Cities are actual cities instead of what we got in SVNo they're not. They're the same shit as SV except you can actually see some interiors.
>Wild Area is a better open world experience than SVNot really, considering how schizo the weather is and the leveling of wild pokemon is not balanced at all.
>More challenging gym leadersYou're fucking joking, right? Only one that was SLIGHTLY challenging was the fire guy.
>Easier way to make lots of money thanks to G-Max MeowthWho fucking cares about making money in Pokemon Besides, in SV I had $300K before the second gym.
>Great post-gameHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA kill yourself.
>Great DLCFUCKING CHRIST KEK yeah three hours of content that was in base games in previous games on smaller systems.
>Better music than SVEvery Pokemon game's music has sucked ass since XY.