>>50942651>ArgumentYou didn't argue anything. You didn't even reply to what I was saying. you replied to my meta post about seasonal momentum using barely intelligible elementary school insults while talking about how you don't like Ash not using reserves.
hence: the hell is this slut saying
I mean, I guess I can give you a reaction.
>Parroting calling innocuous things Reddit is a newfag filter, stop trying to fit in>Adults use the word Manchild as an insult, Manbaby is used by soiboys who were called manchildren and like children went "If I'm a man child you're a manbaby!">I didn't even say the word league. I like reserves, did you have a stroke?>I haven't seen anyone type like (>one of those lol lmao even) since the lol XD so randumb girls in middle school, so I genuinely don't know how to reply when said by a faggot I don't know and not a girl I'm going to fuck in a few monthsHappy? want to put this on so I can know when you start "arguing" again?