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Anonymous 10/23/23(Mon)18:51:19 No.54734122 [Reply]▶
>>54742741 What are your earliest memories with Pokemon, do you remember how you were introduced to the series?
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>>Anonymous 10/25/23(Wed)01:26:11 No.54742695▶
>>54742730 >>54742795 >1998
>Fourth Grade
> Getting ready for school, turn on the local Fox station and catch the ending credits of the anime, Mew flies across the screen.
Had no idea what show I missed but I was instantly fascinated. Started waking up early everyday to watch it everyday before school.
A few months later I discovered that Lunchables had Pokémon "cards" you could cut out of the back of the box. Me and my friends would bring them to school and show them off, even though there were only like seven cards in total.
Eventually I got Blue version and never looked back. I remember doing the Missingno glitch, almost crashing my game with a Gameshark, seeing the movie in theaters and getting my Ancient Mew card, the Burger King gold cards, the Pokégods, getting gym badges at the Barnes and Noble TCG events. . .
Peak Pokémania was absolute kino and I was the perfect age to experience it, I feel bad for any fan of the series that didn't get to.
>>Anonymous 10/25/23(Wed)01:31:37 No.54742730▶
>>54742773File: 151mew-rg-21png_orig[1].png (48 KB, 352x279)
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>>54742695 Mew was what sold me too. My habitual lying cousins would talk about it and then I had a moment where I was like hol up, it's real? There's actually a super secret in a game that no one knew about till now? Mew will always be the top legendary for me because it literally WAS a real life legend come true.