Quoted By:
>For kyurem to play a role in it
>Ride pokemon
>Original dragon to be a new form of kyurem that is still ice/dragon, but it has modes where it can "override" the ice aspect of it and balance effectively three types at once (ice,fire, electric)
>Zero crafting mechanics like PLA
>Enjoyable plot with returning characters such as looker working with you in castelia city
>New pokemon such as new unovan forms for older pokemon that have developed in unova in the last decade as well as a few new evolutions for older pokemon like unovan spinda which becomes normal/poison that hangs around the virbank complex and the evolution to granbull which becomes fairy/fighting
>Some new characters to show up such as junipers new assistant which is your rival and battles you along the way
>Original evil team whos goal is to protect unova by working with you to "prevent" teams like plasma from rising up again, which ultimately turns out to be a guise
>Less online connectivity but you can still battle friends like you can in bdsp, but you cannot transfer to sv
>And some of the DLC characters such as drayton who is now the champion of unova who you battle at the end of the game
>Castellia city is the starting area of the player which is the main "hub" area of the game like the village in PLA. You essentially explore unova and report back to castellia city with new findings such as pokemon that have evolved in unova like ruffabull, and then eventually leading to kyurems original form awakening
>Evan lets you chose not just the unova starters but every other starter because of the terrarium in blueberry academy since they have migrated to unova
Dont screensnap this
Sorry tpci