>>36831572>must playUSUM (hardest, updated stuff, best boss)
ORAS (best version of great region: Hoenn)
XY (best regional pokedex)
SM (best story)
CRYSTAL (comfy, full of stuff, to ease in)
FRLG (good updated kanto)
>maybe playBW (second best story)
Platinum (best than dp)
>could also playHgSS(only play if you liked crystal so much you want more johto, otherwise lacks the music and level curve got worse but it was one I loved)
B2W2 (only play after finishing BW)
>outclassed by third version or remake NO NEED to play unless completionistRBY
>don't playNone: all games are good and only shitposters that hate pokemon pretend otherwise. Also, play the 3ds ones asap so you can partake on trading and online before gen 8 drops.