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Ok, what are your true views of the pokeworld? Do you believe in only the game? Do you think the pokeworld is more? Do you even disagree with the way the franchise is portrayed? Post whatever you believe in.
Rules: No one is allowed to criticize your opinion since all of it is equally valid. Also no insisting that the game is the only view of the pokeworld.
I have lots of things I think about the pokeworld, but so much of it disagrees with the franchise that I can't list all of it here. I will therefore state the only one that matters and see just how long it takes before I'm trolled or this thread is outright deleted. I think the breeding system is a giant lie and the pokemon breed in a manner appropriate to what they're based off of and that the diversity of the system only exists for the game's sake. I might tell you more if this thread even survives.