Quoted By:
>Working anime-con staff two years ago
>In charge of the pokemon merchandise booth
>A kid comes by wanting one of the plushies
>He wants a phione
>"Gimme da manaphy evo"
>Go to get the phione plushie and give it to him. but tell him it isn't quite an evolution, but an offspring.
>Face twists
>He gives me the most insulted look and starts crying.
>What the fuck did I do?
>His mom comes over and rushes to his aid asking whats wrong.
>He blubbers out that the mean man called him a liar.
>Mothers face twists with rage
>Have to explain to the mother that I was merely correcting her son on the right method of evolutiion.
>She fucking takes the kids DS, powers it up and has her son guide her to the pokedex
>Shes holding up the entire line of people who want to buy shit
>Get to manaphy evo, and objectively, I'm wrong because it doesn't SAY thats how phione evolves
>Now demands that because of MY iresposible attitude I give them, the plush for free.
>Tell her to fuck off and call con security.
>5 minutes pass, con security shows up.
>Explain the issue, Security takes my side and asks her to leave. .
>She refuses until she gets some form of compensation, then starts accusing me of manhandling of all things.
>Situations getting ugly, staff just decide to give her the plushie and let them leave not to cause a scene.
>She snaps at me and drags her son off coddling him
>Walking off the kid turns to me with this smartass grin on his face.