>>46747316So far my most successful teams have been E!May/Brendan/Hilbert and E!May/Brendan/Piers. Basically any pair that has Dire Hit plus. SS Elesa would work well too but she struggles a lot because she absolutely needs the Breathtaking
What I do is I have May use Hoppity Hop turn 1 and X Defense on turns 2 and 3. Then the second Hopity Hop after Sync (she's first). From there she starta whacking
I give Brendan Inertia, Ramming Speed, and Amped Up in his grid so he starts whacking with Leaf Storm from turn 2 onward.
Piers starts with both Dire Hits, from there he alternares Obstruct and his trainer move as the match flows.
If you go Hilbert you can afford to drop Amped Up with Brendan and get MGR on Leaf Storm instead.
The only stage I wasn't able to clear in MM woth this team was unsurprisingly Koga because Brendan doesn't live through Koga's SE sync move. Surprisingly, however, after the two X Defense All may does actually live through Bruno's SE Sync Move. Will, Lance, and Karen cave in without issues.