>>35215522>Lapras for surf, waterfall, whirlpool and diving - Would use Lapras only agaisnt Pokémon that are weak to water type, like fire and rock types.>Pidgeot for fly, defog - Would use it agaisnt bug, fighting and grass types>Tauros for strength, rock smash, rock climb - Also would ride it if I got hurt or extremely tired. Wouldn't use it on a battle though. >Ledyba for flash - My loyal shoulder mon, probably always out of the pokéball hanging on my shoulder or head. Perfect position for some cave exploring. Wouldn't use it on a battle either.>Sandslash for cut - One of my favorite ground types, would use it agaisnt steel, eletric and poison types.>Arcanine - One the team because I think would help to balance things a bit and it's a giant doge that could give warmth to me and rest of the team in cold places. Would use it agaisnt ice, grass, bug, steel typesTried to use only pokémons I like but feels really unbalanced. Maybe I'll rethink the team later.