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You can tell by my team what types I love
Getting stomped by fire pokes type
I love steel, bug and fighting.
What started me on my pokemon journey was one of my best friends giving me a pokemon egg.
I kept it close and safe with me, taking it to the pokecenter every day for routine check ups.
When it finally hatched, my best bro ever Tyrogue came out.
We were ultra-bros ever since.
He has long since evolved into Bestmonchan.
I can't beat him in a fight like I used to when we played when he was a little poke, but he knows I would die for him and he would do the same for me.
*hitmonchan brofist*
One of the first pokemon I ever caught with my Tyrogue was a shiny scyther. It is the only shiny pokemon I have ever seen, other than what I THINK was a shiny Abra... I dunno, it teleported away really fast.
My Scyther had a bullheaded arrogant attitude and always fought with my tyrogue to prove who was stronger.
Scyther really only listened to me because he saw how strong Tyrogue was and he knew I could train him just as well.
One day when we found a researcher working on an experimental way to upgrade pokemon, I knew that Scyther wanted to try everything to become the strongest he can be.
And blam, my shiny Scizor-bro was unleashed.
Tynamo is so kawaii, gotta keep him with me. He is very quirky and funny to have around. All the other pokes pick on him for being the smallest, but he gives them a great big shock and they leave him alone.
Scrafty asked to join my team after a boxing match with Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan wanted a nice sparring partner for training and Scizor doesn't really care for honor or technique, so I let Scrafty tag along.
He keeps to himself most of the time, only really hanging out with Hitmonchan. He acts shy around me, which I find odd since most of the Scraggys I have met were always really "in-your-face" and proud.