>>53244612Going further into detail on Misdreavus since I got cucked on character count:
Misdreavus is an insane SpD wall with absurd speed for the tier. It can easily no-sale Abra and Special Pikachus that outspeed it, and it OHKOs both of them back.
>252+ SpA Life Orb Misdreavus Hex (65 BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Pikachu: 199-234 (94.3 - 110.9%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO>252+ SpA Light Ball Pikachu Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Misdreavus: 205-243 (78.5 - 93.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKOMisdreavus is frailer on the physical side, but the meta lacks great physical threats, none of which are faster than Misdreavus. You'd HAVE TO pack a scarfed physical revenge killer for it. Its Hex set is just too strong since it gets Thunder Wave and Will-o-Wisp to cripple everything in the tier. To counter it you'd need Audino with Heal Bell, but Heal Bell was made an exclusive move to Chansey's line in Gen 9. Dunsparce, the threat that it is, also has trouble with Misdreavus since neither Body Slam nor Earthquake can hit it. It can use Glare since Ghosts haven't been immune to Glare since Gen IV, but Misdreavus can also cripple Dunsparce with Thunder Wave or WoW. If Misdreavus is packing sub, there is nothing Dunsparce can do to break Misdreavus while Misdreavus can whittle away Dunsparce with Burn chip or whatever last coverage move you chose (Draining Kiss, Pain Split, Thunderbolt, Energy Ball, Psyshock, and so on)
So, imo, the tier would be
Misdreavus >= Dunsparce > Riolu >= Smeargle >= Cutiefly > Audino > Pikachu > Gastly > Machop > Snivy > Fletchling > Bunnelby > everything else