Back with an actual progress update in X. Holy shit does Citra go slow.
Anyways, I switched out Floette for Nidoking. Performance jumped up drastically--nigh-guaranteed crits on Shadow Claw allowed Herk to tear through Korinna's Gym. His moveset is also frighteningly good for the end of the early game, seeing as two good STAB moves on 102 base attack is great for clearing routes.
>>40085536Gotta love ROMHacks that buff Early-game Bugs.
>>40084951Once again, Moses parted the Pleb Sea lmao. You've got a great team going.
>>40084559Not the most unconventional Sinnoh team, seeing as Machop will begin lagging behind unless you hack in its evolution sometime around Candice's Gym, but I do love Meditite and Beautifly.
>>40084159WOOHOO NIGGA! Now all you gotta do is rechallenge the league and smack down Alder with like three Pokémon--Sebastian, Zapp and something with a Fire-Type move should do it.
>>40083341"One more such victory and we are undone."
-Pyrrhus of Epirus
Yeah you took a major hit there, but at least there aren't any more semi-obligatory post-game fights.
>>40081758>Losing a GengarOOF
>>40081327The monkeys are quite possibly the most useful members of an FWG core in a Nuzlocke, bar PERHAPS your starters. Fuck Smogon saying they're all trash, Simisear even possesses the best mixed coverage bar Heatmor (which is strictly an endgame mon in need of babying) of any Fire-type in BW or B2W2.