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hero saved galar from destruction by rallying power of zacian and zamazenta you will save it along marnie she will get the other legendary that isn't of your game
bede will be getting more and more jealous of you because you beat him and he will be the one to free eternatus a black dragon legendary that he will control he is given this power by team apophis they already control chairman rose oleanna is there to keep sure he does what they tell him
galar is in danger and marnie is royalty she left home to find the hero by participating in the stadium battles she believes the hero is someone strong
there are 4 knights that are strong and are akin to elite4 you can only battle them after winning the last tournament in which your rivals will also take part
impidimp has 2 more evolutions his last evolution looks like a big gargoyle with wings everywhere
ant lion ground bug type is like metagross/dragonair/tyranitar
a kiwi penguin pokemon ice flying very cute
peacock fire psychic with beautiful pattern who hypnotize opponents
a moth ice/bug looks like volcarona but isn't region form
ledian fighting bug galar form with new evolution
gligar doesnt have new region form but new evolution poison ground
jumpluff line poison flying type
charizard lapras golurk machamp tyranitar wailord reuniclus vespiquen avalugg dusknoir hydreigon wobbuffet have gigantmax
starters are fire fighting water ghost grass ground
everything i know is here i dont know more nsory