>>54498245Finally it was time for Champion Wallace with one friend down.
I start with Pharos (levelled with rare candies before Drake) against Wailord and thunderbolt barely misses a one-shot so Wallace switched out into Whiscash and I switch into Rockgarden in response. I set up with Ancient Power, get the stat boost after the second go. Boosted Giga Drains let me heal the damage I took and take down Whiscash, Wailord and even Milotic! I had to switch into Pharos against Tentacruel though because sludge bomb did bad damage.
We trade thunderbolts and sludgebombs but getting poisoned on its last sludge bomb meant Lanturn went down with it. Next is Ludicolo, I switch into Harrow but double team bullshit means we barely get a hit in and Harrow eventually gets killed by surfs and leech seed. Thankfully Brilliant could finish it off with an Aerial Ace (taught it him just for this).
Last is Gyarados which dragon dances as I switch to Rock Garden. I barely missed on a two shot though so Rockgarden eventually dies to boosted earthquake, leaving Gyarados at red health.
At this point I thought it was over, with just a hurt sableye and a Torkoal left. I switch to Spicer, hoping to bring it down to fake out range. It heals as I use body slam for just over 1/3 of its hp and get the paralysis. It's still faster than Spicer tho, and Surf does like 80% of Spicer's health on the second turn, Gyarados now on <1/3 left but I know I won't outspeed or kill with fake out. Meaning it's over..
HOWEVER it gets fully fucking paralysed! After all the bullshit paralysis put me through this run it finally saves me at the last moment and I can kill it with a last Bodyslam! We snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and finish the run! I did not deserve that win, my god.
>>54494683RIP to orange. Does that mean you're not using shiny clause then?
>>54494254RIP that fucking sucks man. I love Mismagius.
>>54492461At least the Whismur line has a large movepool lol.