>>37084200You played Skyrim or breath of the wild? I want that and a camera feature for a hybrid of open world Pokemon and Snap.
If I cant have that, I want difficult puzzles that aren't for literal 4 year olds who can barely hold the gameboy. I want caves, ice, and whirl pool, switch logic, and shove rock into hole patterns. I want battles that aren't just spamming heal moves, or randomly +12 levels which isn't a real difficulty curve it's just a power curve. I want more diverse areas of Pokemon that roam but spawn much rarer. I also want roving legendary and sub legendary. I want some seasons and weather and night and day. I want safari zone that isn't literally just a 12x12 grass patch with random Pokemon in it what a fucking disgrace that was. I want mini games that aren't hurrrrrrrrr durrrr and maybe some platforming elements and timed elements like the bike race with zero collisions thing from ruby. I want customized clothing to make a return what a lovely feature!! And I want more shiny options and even rare skin patterns as a sub distinction. And I also want a ghost HM that gives you spooky powers. And I want HMs back. Also radio tower escapes. And can we also get a car chase!?