>>43013710That depends Anon. Do you find the current writing here interesting? If so, I may deign to utilize transformation and see what may come of it. I've dabbled here and there with transformation, though to be honest most of those efforts seem to fall flat on their face or felt some manner of lackluster to the point where the project just died in the middle of it all, usually after the initial novelty of it wore off and the product became dull to the senses. Actually, that seems to happen to all my projects sooner or later for whatever reason. Just a damn difficult time maintaining interest since it seems to seep away and fade for whatever reason. Honestly in part the way I left the above the way it ended was to both give me an opening in case I wanted to write a sequel, but left in such a way that the writing can stand on its own if no sequel were made, and the other being that to let the project cool so as to allow some creative interest to fester again.
Having had that time pass, I'll admit it isn't all there at the moment, but I presume that will be resolved once I get my fingers cracking at the keys. Just gotta push through it, and will do so soon with my first attempt.
As for whatever plot may come, I am thinking of sticking with the selfish/jealous/possessive milotic character and see where that takes me. I'll admit, it'll be somewhat of a first for me in trying to tackle such a character, since the mindset is a little alien to me personally. But perhaps having such a challenge could be what helps me grow as a writer in tackling the unknown and unfamiliar, and offer its own possibilities for me to work with going forward. No promises that I'll be able to complete it or come even close, but hopefully what will follow will be entertaining nonetheless.
Whether I can match such expectations however remains to be seen.