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What does Terastal even mean? Gen 6 gimmick used complete words so they were self-explanatory but afterwards everything is a contraction of other words because nips fucking love that shit
>aパワー zettopawa (Z power)
Comes 全力 zenryoku (all-out) in japanese. So it's the All-out Power that triggers All-out Moves.
>ダイマックス daimakkusu (Daimax)
>キョダイマックス kyodaimakkusu (Kyodaimax)
>ムゲンダイマックス mugendaimakkusu (Mugendaimax)
Seemingly comes from 大 (dai) great, 巨大 (kyodai) giant and 無限大 (mugendai) infinite as well as from maximum. So Great Maximum, Giant Maximum and Infinite Maximum.
>Terastal テラスタル terasutaru (Terastal)
What does this one mean? The -stal suffix obviously comes from crystal, we have many uses of "Tera crystal" too, but what is "tera"? I thought it could come from terraformation given the Teraform Zero ability but apparently the japanese name doesn't imply such a thing
>ゼロフォーミング zerofōmingu (Zero forming)