SAGE IS A FUCKING LEGEND. He lived an unboosted Draco Meteor AND a +2 Draco Meteor on fucking 4 HP to get the kill with Ice Punch. This bro literally saved my run, as I'm 99% sure I would've been swept otherwise.
Battles went as follows:
>>41829534>ShauntalGyarados handled the Sableye, Roserade killed the Gengar only to get Shadow Tag'd and oneshot by the bitch of a Chandelure. Gyarados came back in, DD'd, and swept because fuck Shauntal.
>GrimsleyGallade OHKO'd the Zoroark lead, Gyarados handled the Houndoom and Krookodile, Steelix killed T-Tar/Bisharp/Weavile.
>MarshalGyarados set up a DD, killed the Blaziken/Conkeldurr/Heracross. Sawk came in, I worried about Sturdy, so Gallade came in and killed it, Throh, and Lucario.
>CaitlinClefable handled the Musharna. Gyarados killed the Zen Darmanitan. Gallade and Typhlosion handled the Reuniclus. Gyarados handled Metagross, Slowbro and Gothitelle.
>IrisClefable got a light screen up and crit OHKO'd the Latios. Haxorus was handled p easily by Steelix. Gallade dodged a Fire Blast into Hydreigon, tanked a Draco Meteor and OHKO'd it. Serperior was [BARELY] handled by Gallade. Dragonite threw a Yache Berry at him while I healed and DD'd, went Steelix and finished the job. Latias was handled by Gyarados.
G fucking G. Also rip my boi Bouquet :(