>>22562197>>22562197>>22562184It did not. I swear when people say this I think they haven't watched DP.
That year gap was filled with
>Pyramid King Brandon>Paul development>Ash and Paul's first 6v6>Looker>Team Galactic>Hunter J>Dawn VS Her Mom>Ash development>Dawn development>Professor Oak appearing>Ash VS Palmer>Evil Togepi>Lyra and that nerd kid>The Johto Festival>Gible>Tag Tournament>Dialga and Palkia>The Lake Trio>James development>Chimchar evolving>Monferno evolving>Ash VS Flint>Ash VS Bertha>Ursula>Togekiss>3 Contests>The fucking Grand FestivalThat year gap was needed because it gave DP more depth than any other saga and it actual felt like a anime not solely directed towards kids.