After Clair I visited Cianwood to get a Corsola to complete the team for The league. We won but lost Umbreon, who was promptly replaced by Ursaring.
Found the first shiny of the series also, a Wipinbell that will never make it into the team or evolve because this is Gold.
>>46089011Do I see two Pelippers in yor champs?
>>46089326If a normal type leaves the box they won't live long unless they are the last one.
>>46089595chatot also has Solar Beam?
>>46092003Game over, but it takes me a couple days doing other stuff to accept the wipe and restart.
>>46092390come on anon, if she were in your team you'll think she's the cutest.
>>46092413Wait, which one of your guys has Headbutt?
>>46092450It learns aLOT of moves and can pass agility and NP, is really good.