Don't Give Up edition.
/vp/'s Mystery Dungeon guides: Exploration Pack, which contains a DS emulator, roms, Wiiware roms, and custom portraits:!gFlVkSLI!tXbyoO5rwfUYnb9jf7yVsQPSMD and Gates download: the guides at
>>>/vg/hbg if you don't know how to install them. You won't lose any online features or anything from doing so, so don't worry. You'll be able to do everything that you'd normally be able to and much more!
PSMD Wondermail codes: If you need a rescue, post your region. Due to a few things that make no sense, rescues are region locked. It's shitty, but please make sure to mention if you're European or American.
A small part of /pmdg/
was?/is making a fangame. If you want to know its progress, check out the repository at or pop in the IRC at #pmdgfg on rizon. Or just ask here. Just remember to be civil.
Was it too soon to make this thread?