Beat Gardenia and cleared the Team Galactic Building without casualty and much of a problem. Mars went down easy in the Windworks via Onix just tanking her Purugly, Staravia just decimated the Eterna Gym, and Onix managed to tank enough of Jupiter's Skuntank's moves while screeching to let Maverick switch in and finish the job. I'm unsure if I'm going to keep Slider in the long run, or if I want to switch out Phoenix for something like a Murkrow to save the Starly line for Platinum or something, but I think at the moment Maverick, Hollywood, and Jester are mainstays provided something terrible doesn't happen.
>>50645590Good luck! Hoppip is actually surprisingly useful later on, don't sleep. Like
>>50644298 said, it's really fucking annoying.
>>50645352Just be sure to have something for Ghetsis' Hydreigon, I think you have a number of solutions but just watch out for his Focus Blast if you end up using Krookodile.
>>50645075Wobbuffet's a killer, sorry Anon
>>50644515I love those personality descriptors, I used to write them but they ended up getting cut off in my current format
>>50648405RIP to your starter, but your current team is sick