>>40499921>So I found out Swinub was one of my favorites when I figured out he would be my shoulder mon.Cute. And I like your reasoning for it too, having a shoulder mon would be great.
>you must not be a fan of humanlike monsI hadn't thought of it as such but you're right I think. I do like Alakazam though.
>So for poke girls I had a really hard time because Im just simply not attached to many of them even if theres quite a few cutes. I had a similarly tough time but for me it's more because I'm attached to too many of them.
>Also my first pick isnt even Gardinia. Its CherylAhhhh heck you're completely right and now I feel super dumb for forgetting her name. I totally knew her but got her and Gardenia's names mixed up for some reason. I think it I did to to some other anon too.