>>19699526https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUcOfu5lF1oTouched by the morally conflicting plight that these icebergs are going through, you decide to help them out, (as if you'd do anything else) but only if you get something in return. In this case, it's the training that you're desperately in need of.
To summarize everything, a person of enigmatic origins is attempting to hunt down sentient star pieces so he can have his way with them. Whoever it is, you need to do away with no matter the cost--it's most likely a huntsman, which aren't at all hard to deal with once they're disarmed.
Sounds easy enough from a dumbass' perspective.
Upon learning about your desire to help them, the Bergmites find themselves faced with their own decision: Whether or not some mere human will be enough to counter the ancient evil that quenches for untamable bloodlust.
Eventually, the Elder agrees, as they don't have many alternatives and would sooner use any last resort they have available than fade back into the night sky. To them, you're just a silly boy with two silly girls at his side with a 99.9% chance of actually succeeding, given the circumstances.
Everything's going to be alright.
>Train with who? (They'll all do heavy-lifting, but the one chosen will pull the most weight)A) Frogadier
B) Dedenne
C) Hexcalibur
D) Skrelp
E) Luchy
F) Pumpkaboo