Quoted By:
>Hail now gives Ice types a 50% defense boost
>Ice now resists Dragon and Ground
>Scald burn chance is 10% now
>Knock Off back to 20 BP. Seriously, it's enough with it fucking up your item.
>Steel resists dark type again
>Less distribution for Toxic and Thunder Wave
>Bug is neutral to Psychic now
>Bug is neutral to Ground
>Bug now resists Electric
>Ghost is Super Effective against fairy
>Brave Bird, Flare Blitz, Close Combat, Wood Hammer, and similar attacks now have 90 accuracy
>Defog is now a TM
>Flying is neutral to Grass
>Ice is now super effective against Water
>Weather stays the same
>Traps (SR, spikes, web, etc), Tailwind, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard all last for 5 turns. There will be a item to prolong such statuses for 8 turns.
>Water types dont get damaged in hail storms.
>Grass is now SE against Fairy
I've run out of Ideas, if I get more I'll post them.