>>43045551I think that Mime belongs to B7, since it's not THAT weird as it is humanoid at least. Agree with Weezing.
>>43045557Draco is ugly, but not very menacing, I guess, I think C15 would fit it better.
>>43045585Agree with them three, Pangoro to Q20
>>43045612>>43045627>>43045631Perfect, done
>>43045631Doesn't look so cool to me, it's my mum's lion, nothing memorable, I'll put it on N2
>>43045662Down to E14 is a good middle ground? It's a banana tree dinosaur, it's quite unique, but I agree C is too high.
>>43045694>>43045723Agree, but would put Espeon a bit lower, since it's pretty cool and stylish, is K4 fine?
>>43045866Mantine is way less on the cool/edgy side, I would say J6
>>43045884Barney is a little bit cuter, isn't it? K8
I'll do more in a while, keep posting!!