>>29878109Not really, well not any more than they were. People vastly overestimate how good these will be in doubles with the exception of Pheromosa, which is legitimately good but still has significant drawbacks that are exploitable.
Kartana - Hard countered by Arcanine, anything with a special fire move that outspeeds it will force it to protect or switch. Rain actually can't protect it. Can literally be OHKOed by stage 1 fire starter embers, do the calcs for a laugh. Any decent special move will OHKO as well and it's MUCH harder to protect against that in doubles than in singles
Kartana's attack is actually massively overrated because all of its moves are like 70-80BP and it has dogshit neutral coverage.
Pheromosa - Complete glass cannon with no split coverage, needs follow me/spotlight/wide guard support to be effective. Literally anything that hits it will do at least 50%. It'll still be very strong though just because of how well it pairs with Tapu Lele but it gets countered by trick room teams since trick room both removes priority protection and turns it into the slowest pokemon in the meta, and it's ridiculously frail compared to even things like Weavile.
Buzzwole - It's similar to Conkeldurr but lacks many high power attacks and is very frail on the special end of the spectrum, especially against flying type moves. Has a very rough time against Hurricane Pelliper which will be one of the primary weather setters in a weather heavy meta.
Xurkitree - Speed is very bad because it's not fast normally or in trick room. Weak to Earthquake, needs wide guard support or it'll get raped by Chomp. Speed swapping to it might be a good strat though.
Celesteela - Good typing, well rounded, good movepool, lots of possible sets. I think it'll be something of a staple with everyone running something different
Nihilego - x4 ground weak in a Chomp heavy meta, lmao no thanks
Guzzlord - dogshit