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Well, I did it. My first attempt at a Nuzlocke and I won. Did it in LeafGreen. Blue and the Elite 4 put up a decent fight and I was a bit underleveled and I still whipped them.
The Hall of Famers:
Heath the Blastoise
Sandman the Hypno
Carl the Snorlax
P Diddy the Pidgeot
Ballin the Persian
Blazeit the Victreebell
I remember being kind of careless when I first started out, thinking it wasn't that hard. Then I lost two guys on the SS Anne. Since then, I've seen to it that no one else died. I was successful. This has been a fun run. Gave me some good bros that I never payed attention to before I used them in here (Hypno being the biggest one. Probably my second best bro next to Blastoise in my run).
The Fallen:
Tina the Rattata, killed by a Rocket Grunt in Mtn. Moon
Daryl the Diglett, killed by a crit quick attack by a Pikachu on the SS Anne
Wayne the Zubat, killed by fucking Blue's Kadabra on the SS Anne