>>43507863>Hell, the premier JRPG, Final Fantasy took nearly a decade trying to get itself straightFinal Fantasy has always been overrated shit and there are significantly better turn based JRPGs out there but that's besides the main point here
>Also your boy Masuda isn't directing games anymore, so there should be some freshness down the line.He literally trained his successor who, quite frankly, may be worse than Masuda, though it's give or take. He's an idiot who thinks people play Pokemon for the "characters" and dreams about them thinking he's made high art when they're just bland generic shit that at best appeals to yaoifags, who are subhuman.
>(And honestly, LG and SS have brought some great new mechanics)"No!"
>BTW, half of you faggots would cry foul at SS even without dexit, just because you've GOT to bitch about something. Yes, because even if there wasn't a dex cut SS would still be disappointing shit. The dex cut just proves they aren't even trying anymore.
17 million copies, but I still haven't bought 1 and won't.