>your age and native language or country29, France
>your first game and the last game you playedRed, Sun
>which 3 games you consider teh bestPlatinium, HGSS, Colloseum
>which 3 games you consider the worstLet's Go, SS, USUM
I played none of them, Sun was the last Pokemon game I played, the ULTRA CHANGES made me quit the series yet I keep posting here and cooming on pokemon pictures.>your top 3 favorite pokémonMawile, Mareanie, Crobat
>your 3 most disliked pokémonInteleon, Landorus-I, Keldeo
>your favorite spinoff mediaConquest
>your opinion on DigimonOnly watched the first 50~ episodes when I was a kid, I don't know much about the series.
>>45599972Both, mostly the loli.