>Post your favorite monSwellow
>Why are they your favoriteCarried my team in Sapphire. The idiot kid in me had a team of Sceptile, Swellow and HM slaves like Ludicolo, Tropius, Linoone, Crawdaunt and whatever the fuck else. For whatever reason I didn't balance my team. Swellow would be 80, Sceptile would be 50, and the rest in their 30s. When I decided to beat the elite four after 10 years, I buffed up Tropius and Crawdaunt and added Flygon/Salamence since they were my other highest level pokemon since I wanted to work on my dex in the past after failing the elite four.
>What do you love most about them?Swellow's got a nice athletic theme, I guess I like that about swallows now.
I also appreciate that Swellow initiated my love for bird/Flying-type pokemon. Didn't actually start until I got Pearl though. With Staraptor, and then Braviary in Black from a friend's White.
>>37863705It's a contagious smile anon.