I'm actually bothered they didn't fill out Tobias remaining 4 mons with something like Shaymin-S, Manaphy, Heatran, and maybe Meloetta to tease Unova and make it feel like a fight that's supposed to be hopeless. According to google during one of the lobby registration scenes of the Sinnoh league, there's a Heatran out of its pokeball. I think it's fair to infer that it belongs to Tobias given that he's the only trainer to that point to use legendaries in a tournament setting like this before
brains don't count as facilities aren't tournaments.Anyway, here's the new change of clothes+start of Unova arc.
I'm going to need to give some thought into what I want to do with my Unovaborteam since so many Unova mons evolve in the 50+ range which is about when these wrap up anyway.
>>55683256GG bro
>>55683295I unironically can see that being a mon that was added in Galar as a jobmon to match the English theme.