>>48056584>Why are you unhappy anon?The eternal struggle that is the human experience has me feeling pretty down. Eating, sleeping, talking, thinking, it's all so tiresome :((( I've cut out everything and everyone unnecessary from my life, but trying to live small can be tough when you're surrounded by people who live big.
This is just a temporary state though, next year I'm moving out to the country. I've learned a lot living in the belly of the beast that is Silicon Valley and I'm glad to have experienced it, but I've gotten everything I can out of this place. I'm looking forward to moving on before the bubble bursts :D
>When are you unhappy and what other emotions do you feel?Well in the general sense I'm pretty much always unhappy. I'm a genelet and a brokebrain and I can't feel good things without drugs, but that's not my real problem. My only legitimate issue is that I'm just tired of all the people around me. I can't pretend to care anymore. I feel bad for being such a terrible friend, but we went in different directions a long time ago and don't have anything in common anymore. I wish I could enjoy their company for their personality alone, but we're just too different. To be honest we always were, and I don't think I ever really fit in with them, but I was better at lying when I was younger, both to others and myself.
>Unhappiness means that something isn't satisfied and reached, what is it in your opinion in your life?What I want can't exist in this world and I'll never be satisfied with anything else, but that isn't really important. Self-knowledge (aka self-acceptance) helps a lot, but it can only go so far. We live in a fallen world, suffering is just a part of it. That doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make something good of what you have, but it does mean that you'd likely be just as miserable if you had something else. I'm gay and unhappy, but I'd probably be unhappy if I were straight. Gay men are awful but women aren't any better lol