Played from the discard edition
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>> (deckbuilding guide)>Public trade is like the GTS, if you want proper results, put up your own offers.>Don't open tradable packs unless it's from giveaways (and POST PULLS)Resources
> (meta analysis of online tournaments)> (online tournaments and decklists)> (reddit's budget decks)> (4chan budget deck pastebin)> (trading tips pastebin)> (automated prices for online trading)Some basics to know in preparation for TCG Live
>Get 125 untradable/tradable packs so you get the max numbers of crystals upon transfer (enough for 1 year of battle pass plus)>Only 4 copies (a playset) of everything you have in collection will transfer. Any remaining copies will give you jackshit.>SR energy seems to be safe, you can transfer up to 59 copies of basic energy>cosmetics (coins, sleeves, deckboxes) will only transfer 1 of each and only cosmetics associated with an irl product>tokens, tickets and HGSS cards won't transfer>no expanded at launch but there may be a LOT-on format in the meantime>ptcgo goes offline forever before the official launch, remains online during the beta>release date unknown, beta for canadian smartphones first. ptcgl icons have been spotted on fusion strike blister images (november 12)>if you sign into ptcgl during the beta, the transfer occurs and you will lose access to ptcgo>waaaah wall of text too hard to readdon't post in thread then
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