>>16675378"Malva, there's something about this plan that I find quite flawed..."
Malva's hostility returns as soon as u're waifu opens her mouth, "What do you mean? Everything I think out is thorough and precise, why in the world would you ever think otherwise!?"
Serena squints at the reporter, her eyes squinted, "You know that we've encountered both Zepeli and Flare before in the past, yet you only want us to track Zepeli with this device. Why are you overlooking Team Flare? Is there something you're not telling us?"
Malva turns her back to you and is quick to grit her teeth. However, it quickly melts into a warm smirk, she turns back around.
"Serena, Serena, Serena... You never truly learn, do you? If you absolutely must know, I have my own plans in store for Team Flare, pay them no heed. I wouldn't even consider them an obstacle by this point, their fire is so weak, so dim, and uninspired... It disgusts me."
With that, she approaches you and takes hold of your chin, stroking the hair or two on it that puberty has shat out from under your surveillance.
"Now now, please leave me to my own affairs. You don't want to disappoint me now, do you?"
"Y-Ye-Yes m'-m'am!..."
Neither you nor Malva nor your daughteru notice the slight, fleeting contempt in Serena's eyes.