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Post some features you would luke to see included in later games. I'll start
>The ability to recapture previously released mons in the wild. The Pokémon you released will be found in the same place you caught it in. You will know you previously owned by looking at the Pokeball icon near the health bar. If it's black that means you've released it. Capturing the Pokémon will easier as well.
The only draw back is that the released Pokémon will have it's IV's randomized and it's EV's will be reset.
If it's a Pokémon not native to that region, it's location will be randomized.
>Trading/gift items
The ability to trade items within the game. Because we've all been in that spot where we needed that one specific item, but didn't have access to it.
>The ability to marry your Pokémon
If you do, it maximizes happiness and affection. And one random IV gets maximized. But you can only do it once every 72 hours. But the wedding is a mock wedding and isn't meant to be serious.