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SV finale could have been a massive epic showdown between Pecharunt, the mutated Glimmora trying to hijack and steal Terapago's Tera Powers and Terapagos, the root cause of everything in the game at the Under-depths of Area Zero
>We could have had a Area Zero descedent dialogue 2.0 with more of the mystery of Terapagos being revealed and explained to us the further we descend from a Professor or Heath apparition or whatever and Carmine and Kieran have a heart to heart and Carmine stops being less of an overbearing bitch and let Kieran do and be and support him in more positive ways and Kieran admits his misgivings and apologizes for his shitty attitude and envy that while Pecharunt enhanced them the bad emotions were indeed there to begin with
>We could have helped out Terapagos out against Pecharunt in that epic showdown after a preliminary showdown where it's discovered he's the root reason of all the bad things that happened at Kitakami and where the peachnigger in a desperate last attempt after all his attempts to steal Terapagos' powers failed decided to act directly rather than through minions (Loyal Three, Kieran) making Kieran and Carmine join us against him for fucking up Kitakami and fucking up Kieran up
>We could have had a super duper cool epic raid battle against Pecharunt (Terastal Absorbido) alongside Carmine (Forma de Hermana Enojada), Kieran (Forma de Campeon de BB) and Terapagos buffing us
>Instead all we got is a completely wet fart of fight against Terapagos where nothing is explained, Kieran edginess gets solved in five seconds, Carmine is just there, and all is caused because Briar is an autistic impatient retard
>Instead all we got is Pecharunt going full retarded nigger and deciding to possess everyone despite always acting subtly and in the background because apparently he's just an asshole and nothing about his origins or actions or anything is explained either
Where did everything go so fucking wrong?