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That's Platinum over and done with!
Turns out that having a Garchomp on the team is pretty conducive to winning, Kony 2012 singlehandedly defeating Aaron, Flint and Lucian. Aaron was a bit of a puzzle before the actual match, but turns out a combination of Earthquake, Rock Slide, Fire Fang and 60BP Flying-type Natural Gift is exactly what is needed to take him out alone. Flint was just an easy "click Earthquake 5 times", but Lucian was a little more touch and go, thankfully Kony 2012 was able to outspeed and oneshot most of his mons as well.
Vajra'at actually ended up being one of the MVPs as well, taking down Bertha all on her own with a combination of Grass Knot and Icy Wind, everything was perfect going into Cynthia.
Car Battery leads against Spiritomb, managing to take it out easily with a crit Surf, but then in comes Garchomp. I hadn't expected it to come out so soon, so I panic and send out Vajra'at. Levitate negates Earthquake, but sadly she goes down to a crit Dragon Rush. Kony 2012 comes in, fires off a 60BP Ice-type Natural Gift, and...it barely does 60%, which Garchomp heals up above half health again with Sitrus before retaliating with another Dragon Rush, leaving Kony 2012 with barely a sliver of HP. I thought the run was over then and there, I clicked Earthquake, praying for some kind of miracle. Earthquake knocks it down into heal-range, her Garchomp goes for Dragon Rush...and misses! She goes for the heal, I go for Earthquake again, knowing that it won't do quite half but it's the best we can do...and it crits! Another EQ and it's down! With the most dangerous mon off the field, Car Battery is able to come in on Cynthia's Milotic, tank an Ice Beam like it was nothing, and proceed to sweep the rest of her team.
A bit too close for comfort, with a sad loss, but we made it!
Starting HeartGold right after this, but I'll be gone for a little while, the reason for which will become apparent in the first HG update...