>>35199099>"mostly bad"Yeah sure. Mind you, the mons I deleted weren't those I think they're bad myself, I just got out of the picture the ones that always had people in /vp/ complaining about them with few defenders.
I don't care that you're a genwar faggot who nitpicks objectmons and the clone monkeys while valuing an entire dex for how lame the starters were.
You don't like gen5, so you get fixated in the 10-20 pokemon you don't like, and ignore the rest of the pokedex. It's called confirmation bias. I'm also looking at you, the guys shitting on gen4's pokedex.
Ignoring tastes, from a design standpoint there hasn't been a bad pokedex in 6 generations. There's always a few bad designs, but they're always in a minority compared to the total.
SM ruined that streak.